Saturday 22 August 2015

I Muse...on What Country Next?

How do you collect your Slania stamps? Do you choose a country and stick to that country religiously until you have collected everything there is to collect? Or do you have a more diverse style, grabbing whatever you spot at a reasonable price?

I personally tend to try to collect one country at a time, mostly so I don't have holes everywhere in the collection. Also I find this methodical approach tends to enable me to keep track of what I have and don't have. Of course, this approach isn't flawless by any stretch! I still find myself grabbing a cheap stamp thinking - "I'm sure I don't have that one!" But sure enough,  when I go back to the album there's the stamp sitting there smirking at me.

Having said all this, I don't hold to this policy with strict rigidity. If I spot a good bargain from another country I will certainly grab it. But I do like to generally stick to one country at a time.

Now that you are fully enlightened on my collecting policy - and probably bored stiff - I'll proceed to the actual point of this blog. Yes, there is one lurking in here somewhere! When I get close to completing a country, I spend a bit of time having fun perusing the stamps of other countries. Now that I have my Slania catalogue this process is even more enjoyable (to me at least, since I prefer reading a book than sitting with my face glued to the computer screen. Just a personal preference).

So over the last few days - well, more like a week actually - I've been contemplating: "What next?" After a long study of the catalogue I narrowed my options down to two possibilities. These are:

      - Iceland
      - Greenland

Both of these countries have some truly stunning stamps! It was a tough choice. But what clinched it for me was the fact that the selection of stamps from one of the countries included stamps depicting ships, and being an avid Ships on Stamps collector, I was sold. So which country did I choose? Well, this time around I might let you guess. Then when the the first stamps for that country, which I have already ordered, arrive, I'll do a reveal. So stay tuned...

Until the reveal day...

Stay Slania Crazy!


  1. I think you choosed Iceland, because there are fewer issues and contain great souvenir sheets.

  2. My main collecting area is Poland & Poland-relatedl & being such a vast subject I've never had a methodical system. My Slania section has been sporadic & all-over-the-place for about 20 years but I decided to knuckle down this year & try to slowly fill in the gaps. By a coincidence I just completed Greenland today (except for the two se-tenant booklet pairs), Which leaves me Denmark & Sweden to complete. I suppose it all comes down to the individual although it is nice to fill in those gaps in one fell swoop.

    Cheers, Rick
